Sport Zajedno – New Erasmus+ project officially launched!

Finally Zajedno: the consortium of the new Erasmus+ project Sport Zajedno gathered in Zagreb!

Together (Zajedno) is the key word of the new project that we started working on in February, and we finally got Zajedno at the beginning of April in Zagreb!

Due to its conflict-ridden history, the Western Balkans region faces challenges in terms of ethnic segregation, nationalism and discrimination against marginalized groups. Sport can serve as a useful tool in overcoming all the aforementioned challenges. The Erasmus+ project "Sport Together - Promoting social inclusion and reconciliation through grassroots youth sport" aims to promote social inclusion and post-conflict reconciliation among young people through sport throughout the Western Balkans.

Through the project, we will select and educate multipliers who will spread the ideas of inclusivity and participation in their countries, local communities and their sports by organizing inclusive sports events. How great the role of sport as a tool for creating a positive atmosphere and togetherness is in practice will be seen in the examples of the Girls Football Festival in Vienna, the 3x3 basketball tournament in Sarajevo and the Mini Van Tour, which will once again pass through the Balkans and unite communities. Everything will be rounded off by an online toolbox with project results and materials that we will also present at the final conference in Prishtina.

However, before we start working with the target groups, we partners gathered to get to know each other and plan the next two years of work on the project. NK "Zagreb 041" hosted partners from Austria (VIDC), Serbia (NGO Athens), Bosnia and Herzegovina (iZi), Montenegro (YIHR Montenegro) and Kosovo (KFV Prishtina) in the Human Rights House in Zagreb. The partners got to know Zagreb, but also each other, exchanged experiences of working in the field, planned the next steps in the project, but also witnessed the good atmosphere at the home match of the senior team NK "Zagreb 041".

At the end of an intense, educational, full of work, but also fun weekend, one thing is certain - only Zajedno we can achieve the goals we set for ourselves!