ballesterer #180 - The Vienna Stadium

The new ballesterer magazine is dedicated to the stadium in Vienna's Prater and reports on the new Vienna Girls' League.

ballesterer #180 is dedicated to the stadium in Vienna's Prater. The building, which hosted the 1931 Workers' Olympics, continues to spark debate: Is it worth preserving, historically and architecturally significant, or should the stadium be demolished? We look at the advantages and disadvantages, monument protection, ecology and questions of use. And we let those who played in it have their say: Andi Herzog, Heimo Pfeifenberger and Toni Polster share their memories.

We would particularly like to highlight the text on the Vienna Girls' League, in which our colleague Niki Staritz also has her say. The background is Austria's first girls' league, which started in Vienna in spring. The format is supposed to get girls excited about football and offer them safe spaces to develop. But those responsible are struggling with too little space and too little support.

In addition, Turbine and Viktoria are two poles of women's football in Germany and the Spanish Cup finalist Osasuna, and ballesterer reports on the conflict between the public prosecutor's office and fan work in Germany. You can read some of the texts of the issue here.

The new ballesterer is now available in tobacconists and in the online shop: