Don't watch violence, sexism and hatred - take part in the fairplay action weeks from 1 to 31 October 2024 and take a stand.

From 1 to 31 October 2024, all associations and initiatives in Austria are invited to take part in the fairplay action weeks and join forces against violence, sexism and hatred.

Violence against women, or people perceived as women, is still commonplace in our society. We must work together to counteract this decisively! Because violence is not a game. Not on the sports field, in the family or anywhere else. And its breeding ground lies in the view that women and girls are less valuable or worse. It is up to each and every one of us to recognise, address and prevent violence. Do not watch! Take a stand against sexism, hatred and violence. Take a stand and make sport a safe place for everyone. Because showing respect is real strength.

The fairplay action weeks for diversity in sport have been held annually in October since 2001 and are organised by fairplay - initiative for diversity and anti-discrimination and take place in cooperation with the Austrian Football Association (ÖFB), the Austrian Football League and Basketball Austria and are made possible by the City of Vienna and the Ministry of Sport (BMKOES).


We invite all clubs to take part in the fairplay action weeks and set an example together against violence, sexism and hatred. Every club can make a big difference with small actions! We will send you the campaign material, text templates and action suggestions in September.

If your club would like to take part in the fairplay action weeks 2024, please register using our registration form:

>> Registration <<


Send us a short video (portrait format!) of players, fans, coaches or officials saying ‘Don't watch!’ into the camera. On ‘Day Against Violence against Women’ on 25 November, we will publish the video with many, many people in football who are speaking out together against violence and sexism and not watching. Be part of it!

>> Admiral Frauen-Bundesliga says #SchauNichtZu <<


Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, Twitter, website or ‘just’ live on site as an LED banner or banner: there are no limits to your creativity during the fairplay campaign weeks. We will provide you with designs for a wide variety of channels and you can make your mark, big or small, as far as you can. Every participation is a gain for more diversity! 

Don't forget our hashtags and we are also very happy about tags and collab posts! You can find us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and TikTok.

>> Social Media Paket <<

#fairplayaktionswochen #keinspiel #schaunichtzu #keinegewalt


Tips for training courses & workshops

Raise awareness and educate people about sexism, violence and its breeding grounds, non-violent and diverse gender images and what we can do for safe, respectful coexistence - here you will find organisations that offer training in the prevention of violence and sexism and on the topic of non-violent masculinities:

White Ribbon

The White Ribbon Austria campaign aims to make a contribution to curbing everyday violence by men in couple relationships. To this end, the campaign raises public awareness.

The symbol and sign of the campaign is a white ribbon. The aim is to promote a non-violent image of masculinity and gender democracy. Workshop programm

Safe Sport (100% Sport)

100% SPORT is the Austrian centre for gender competence and SAFE SPORT. The aim is to promote gender equality and safe sport agendas in Austrian sport and to promote gender equality and equality in all sporting matters. Workshop programme 

QUESTIONS? Then please contact us and we will try to find the right offer for you! Contact: fairplay[at]

fairplay also offers general training on diversity and anti-discrimination (racism, sexism, homophobia, extremism) for clubs (coaches, officials, etc.). The aim is to raise awareness, empower clubs and provide them with tools to take a clear stance and advocate for open and inclusive football.

There are also workshops for junior teams (children and young people) in which sport and active methods are used to raise awareness of exclusion and inequalities and strengthen empathy and social interaction.

The programme is free of charge for sports clubs.

The activities are coordinated by the fairplay initiative for diversity and anti-discrimination. The ÖFB and the Austrian Football League support the campaign, which is made possible by the City of Vienna - Bewegung findet Stadt, the Austrian Ministry of Sport (BMKOES) and the European Commission (Erasmus+).