That was the Girls Football Festival 2022!

We say THANK YOU to all players, coaches, helpers & supporters for the biggest Girls Football Festival in Vienna so far!

The Girls Football Festival 2022 is history! Our biggest event of this kind to date took place in Vienna on a hot summer weekend from 24 to 26 June 2022. Over 120 young players from eleven teams and eight European countries travelled to participate together in trainings, workshops and a final tournament. The heat could not stop the girls' energy and they gave everything on the court! The focus was on intercultural exchange, making new friends and sharing their love of football.

The TV station W24 visited us to capture the atmosphere. You can watch the report here!

The social programme included a scavenger hunt in mixed groups through Vienna, a visit to the Vienna Prater and the Danube Island Festival, where a special surprise awaited the girls. Rapper Kid Pex from SOS Balkanroute used his appearance on the Peace Stage to introduce our festival and even got some of the players on stage. We will never forget that!

As part of the project EWSE - Empowering women through sport events , an attempt was made for the first time to make the festival more ecologically sustainable. Above all, the focus was on proper waste separation and the avoidance of plastic waste!

On our Instagram site you can find videos of all festival days:

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all the players, coaches, supporters and partners who made the festival possible on this scale. The Girls Footbal Festival is part of our Football Zajedno and Sport Together projects and was supported by UEFA, the football associations of Bosnia-Herzegovina and Montenegro, the European Commission and the City of Vienna.

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