fairplay goes EuroGames, 17.-20.7.24

Celebrate Diversity at the biggest LGBTIQ* event in Europe.

It's not often that the biggest LGBTIQ* sporting event takes place in your city - we are incredibly proud and excited that the EuroGames 2024 will open in Vienna on July 17. And of course the fairplay initiative, which has been campaigning against racism, sexism, homophobia and all other forms of discrimination in sport and a sporting culture in which all people are welcome for 28 years, will be there!

Kick-off conference “Out in Sport: How sport unites, not divides” 

July 17, 10:00-16:30
House of Sport, Prinz-Eugen-Straße 12, 1040 Vienna

Changing structures and making sport more inclusive. LGBTIQ+ sports conference.
Conference languages: English and German (simultaneous translation)

Details on program & registration will follow soon here!

Discussion event “The feminist fight”

July 18, 18:00-20:00
TRAP - Training Center Rappachgasse, Rappachgasse 26, 1110 Vienna

The feminist fight - martial arts is not a women's domain, not a "safe space" for queer people and yet a place of empowerment, self-awareness and freedom. What does "feminist fight" mean from the perspective of women and queer people who instruct and practise martial arts? What can feminist gyms and martial arts events look like? Experts from various areas of martial arts will discuss these questions with a clear intersectional mindset. The aim is to reflect together on individual experiences.

After short impulses from our invited guests, there will be a free space - for you! Ask your questions, share your experiences. How do you recognise inclusions and exclusions in martial arts, what (internalised) structures do we encounter? And what could a martial arts gym look like where LGBTIQ people feel really comfortable?

In the end, we will have a vision of what an LGBTIQ-inclusive martial arts gym could look like.

Side event “Sport for all Genders & Sexualities”

July 19, from 11:00

Come along - together with the Catch'n Serve Austria association, we will play Catch'n Serve Ball, show what sport for all genders and sexualities can look like, inform you about the results of our EU project and provide people with support for inclusive sports clubs.

Find more information here:

Look out for the SGS logo and you will find us.


“Fighting together”: martial arts offer as part of the EuroGames Vienna

Martial arts in general can be a place of shared (sporting) exchange, empowerment and playful testing of one's own limits in a controlled, respectful and sensitive environment. We are therefore delighted to be able to present a comprehensive martial arts program at the EuroGames 2024 together with the Feminist Fighters Union.
Over a total of three days, we will open up a diverse space in which it will be possible to immerse yourself in the world of different types of martial arts. The offer is aimed at beginners who want to try out the sports for the first time, as well as advanced students who want to train with other queers and experienced trainers from Europe as part of EG24. There will also be a discussion event on July 18th (see above). All information can be found here!

Anti-discrimination training for tournament organizers

Together with the Association of Intersex People Austria (VIMÖ) and Candy Licious from the EuroGames team, we were able to train the tournament directors of the individual competitions on the topics of diversity, respect and discrimination. It was great & thank you for your cooperation.

Meet & Greet at the EuroGames Village

If you want to meet us, you can do so every day - we are represented together with friends every day from 17:00 at the latest in the EuroGames Village at Karlsplatz - drop by.

