Fan Embassy Austria: Curves in motion, motion in the curves, 24.6.24

Discussion event as part of the UEFA Euro on the topic of self-organisation of fan scenes.

24 June 2024, 7 pm
House of Football Cultures
Cantianstraße 25, 10437 Berlin

The past season was an eventful one for both German and Austrian fan scenes: from successful protests against the DFL's entry into the investment market, escalating conflicts between police and fans and disputes over sponsor colours on jerseys to homophobic chants and misanthropic ideologies. We want to talk about the self-organisation of fan scenes in these processes, progressive potentials and cross-club solidarity and discuss them with the audience.


  • Clara Gallistl (representative of queer football fans Austria)
  • Christoph Ruf (journalist)
  • Thomas Jelinski (Fan Project Berlin)
  • Förderkreis Ostkurve Hertha BSC (requested)

Moderation: Nicole Selmer, football magazine ballesterer

Followed by public viewing and barbecue on site

An event organised by: fairplay prevention, Fanprojekt Berlin, ballesterer, Koordinationsstelle Fanprojekte (KOS).