Girls Football Festival 2024, 28.-30.6.24

Playing football together and breaking down prejudices - the Girls Football Festival in Vienna!

Young girls' teams from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Croatia, Montenegro, Serbia and Austria meet in Vienna to celebrate football, respect and diversity for three days. The Girls Football Festival (GFF) campaigns for girls and women in sport, for international exchange, against nationalism and for respect and equality. The festival is hosted by First Vienna FC 1894, which welcomes the international teams to the Football Campus in Spielmanngasse.

The programme not only includes joint training and football sessions, but also interactive workshops, a guided scavenger hunt through Vienna, side events and, of course, a big final tournament in mixed teams. We look forward to welcoming numerous guests!

Planned programme

Friday, 28 June
from 12 noon: Arrival & WELCOME of the teams and distribution of the FESTIVAL PACKAGES
from 4 p.m.: MEETING the players and coaches (Prater)
and a meal together at the Roller Coaster in the Prater, followed by the draw for the training stations, fun games and a finale in the Vienna Prater

Saturday, 29 June | 9 am - 7 pm
from 10 am: "SCHNITZELJAGD" through the city of Vienna and lunch together at WUK (tbc)
from 16:30: FOOTBALL TRAINING in mixed teams and workshop stations
from 8pm: dinner together and PLAYERS PARTY

Sunday, 30 June | 9 am - 1 pm
from 9 am: "GIRLS FOOTBALL FESTIVAL" TOURNAMENT & winners' ceremony
From 2 pm: LUNCH, CHILLEN & MICROSOCCER at Strandbar Herrmann (Donaukanal)

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The Girls Football Festival in Vienna is organised by the fairplay initiative at the VIDC and significantly supported by the European Union through the Sport Zajedno project and UEFA as part of the Football Zajedno project with the football associations from Bosnia-Herzegovina and Montenegro and the Austrian Development Agency (ADA), as well as the City of Vienna Bewegung findet Stadt and the BMKÖS.

David Hudelist & Max Bombarde
fairplay Initiative/VIDC
hudelist [AT] vidc [DOT] org, fairplay_assistant [AT] vidc [DOT] org
+43-1-713 35 94 72

Benjamin Dragolj & Selma Memović
iZi – Igramo Zajedno Inicijativa 
benjamin [AT] izi [DOT] ba, office [AT] izi [DOT] ba
+387 61 244459 | +387 62 823 160