Survey "Perceptions and Experiences of Antisemitism" of the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA)

Survey on the current antisemitism situation in the EU from the perspective of Jews.

New version of the handout "For respect and safety - Against sexualized assaults in sports", 9.3.23

The BMKÖS and 100% Sport present a revised version of the handout on sexualized violence.

(Not) an issue for Muslims? - Muslim Perspectives on the Fight against Antisemitism, 15.3.23

The second edition of the discussion series "Muslim-Jewish Relations" at the Jewish Museum Hohenems.

Portrait series: Clear the stage for diverse & inclusive associations! #3

We introduce: ASK Bad Fischau-Brunn chairman Andreas Kerschbaumer.

Online workshop "Guide for sustainable sports organisations”, 9.3.23

Free online event for sports clubs on the topic of sport & sustainability.

Football Zajedno Training Seminar in Podgorica

From 20 to 22 January 2023, the training seminar covered topics such as nationalism, discrimination and racism.

SOS Balkanroute - Fund raising, 12.2.23

The SOS Balkan Route calls again for a fund raiser incl. a panel discussion to support refugees!

ballesterer #176 - Vorarlberg

The new ballesterer is dedicated to soccer in Vorarlberg!

Call: Freelance work, Vollkontakt

The model project 'VOLLKONTAKT - Demokratie und Kampfsport' based in Hannover is looking for work support.

Portrait series: Clear the stage for diverse & inclusive associations! #2

We introduce: the Diözesansportgemeinschaft Ferlach.