ENGSO Equality within Sports (EWS) Committee – Umfrage zu Frauen* im Sport
The results serve as a basis for further education, awareness and change campaigns in European grassroots sport.
fairplay Summer Special, 7.8.23
We cordially invite you to the fairplay Summer Special to present our project Less4more.
Girls Football Festival 2023 - Report
The Girls Football Festival 2023 took place from June 23 to 25 and was an absolute highlight of the fairplay season!
Rebels of Change Youth Forum – Shaping the Future Together, 30.9.-1.10.23
As part of the Rebels of Change project's Youth Forum, young people can get involved in working for a better future.
EWSE – Infographics on sustainable and accessible sporting events
New infographics have been published as part of the Erasmus+ project EWSE (Empowering Women for Sport events in Europe).
Ministry of Sport supports the fairplay service point for another three years
Funding for the activities of the fairplay initiative on diversity, inclusion & human rights in sport approved by BMKÖS until March 2023.
That was the Mini-Van Tour 2023!
We went on tour within the Football Zajedno and Sport Together projects to visit local communities.
Girls Football Festival, 23.-25.6.23
Play football together and break down prejudices - the Girls Football Festival in Vienna!
ballesterer #180 - The Vienna Stadium
The new ballesterer magazine is dedicated to the stadium in Vienna's Prater and reports on the new Vienna Girls' League.