this human world Festival - Our game for human rights

Cinema instead of World Cup football! Three films on the political power of football will be shown as part of the film festival.

FairPlayCup, 4.12.22

Indoor tournament in Fischamend as part of "Our Game for Human Rights".

ballesterer bibliothek #2 - Releaseparty, 17.12.

End-of-year party of the best football magazine with film screening, issue presentation and release party.

Action weeks 2022 - Final report

104x No to Hate & Agitation - Yes to Diversity in Football!

Sport for all Genders and Sexualities - Survey

Have you been active in organised sport in the last twelve months? Then take part in our survey about the situation of women and LGBTI+ persons.

REBELS OF CHANGE: Campaign material

Order your free sustainable package and become part of the REBELS OF CHANGE initiative!

Human rights on the sidelines - Online talk, 23.11.22

Frank Schwabe, Federal Government Commissioner for Freedom of Religion or Belief, discusses the situation in Qatar.

Webinar: Sport & Human Rights, 10.11.22

Free webinar in cooperation with Amnesty International Austria.

fairplay action weeks 2022 - We say THANK YOU!

Three weeks full of actions. Around 100 associations were there!

ballesterer #175 - Qatar 2022: the most controversial World Cup

The new ballesterer is dedicated to the World Cup in Qatar!