Save the Date: feminist fighters week, 7.-13.4.25

A save the date for all martial arts enthusiasts and those who want to become one!

As part of our project fairplay prevention – point of contact against dehumanizing ideologies, we are once again organising the feminist fighters week together with the Feminist Fighters Union from 7 to 13 April 2025!

We invite you to get active again this year and set an example together for more gender diversity in martial arts!
All martial arts, self-defence and martial arts gyms that offer free training for FLINTA* & queers during this week will receive two workshops on gender-sensitive martial arts in return, as well as promotion of the gym via social media. The participation of your gym or club will be accompanied by us personally and in the media and creates the opportunity to open your doors to target groups that have not yet been reached.

Be there when we stand up together for more diversity and empowerment in martial arts - more information will follow soon on the fairplay page and by e-mail!

Here are a few insights from last year's event:
fairplay | feminist fighters week, 1-10.3.24