Study: The status of prevention approaches in Austrian martial arts

Together with “Vollkontakt - Demokratie und Kampfsport”, fairplay prevention has conducted an explorative study.

Together with our cooperation partners from the Vollkontakt - Demokratie und Kampfsport model project in Germany, we are investigating the potentials and risks of martial arts and highlighting organizational and political differentiations in sports structures that can be addressed by prevention work.

• How is martial arts organized in Austria? What is the quantitative and organizational relationship between the sector of traditional clubs and commercial providers?

• What activities by actors with an affinity for violence and hostility to human rights and democracy can be identified in martial arts in Austria?

• What approaches, measures and strategies for the prevention of violence and discrimination exist in the martial arts landscape in Austria?

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For the first time, there is a comprehensive examination of the Austrian martial arts landscape, which includes various disciplines of organized sport as well as commercial offers. We interviewed representatives of the BMKÖS and Sport Austria as well as the ÖBFK, ÖBV and AUTMMAF on the association side. The findings are also supported by quantitative online research on Austrian martial arts offerings and exemplary monitoring of the activities of martial arts players with an affinity for violence.

“Vollkontakt” and fairplay prevention share a common interest in improving knowledge about the activities of anti-human and anti-democratic actors in combat sports and promoting the development of prevention measures. This study can therefore be read as a critical and constructive contribution to a necessary socio-political debate on the social responsibility of sport. We welcome constructive feedback and reports on your own experiences in the field of investigation.

Please do not hesitate to contact us!