Open popular sports for all genders

fairplay coordinates new Erasmus+ project "Sport for all Genders and Sexualities

This year we had to wait a long time for the Erasmus+ Sport results. Instead of the usual October of the previous year, the results were announced at the end of February. All the greater the joy: our project "Sport for all Genders and Sexualities!  - Tackling Sexism, Trans- and Homophobia in European Grassroots Sport (SGS)" is funded!

The project aims to establish an inclusive and open sport culture that is open to all genders and sexualities. European sport is still dominated by rather antiquated notions of masculinity and pejorative notions of femininity, as well as the strict division into "men" and "women". This dominant binary and masculine narrative in sport contributes to the discrimination and exclusion of women/girls (sexism), transgender (transphobia), lesbians and gay men (homophobia), and all those who cannot/won't be pigeonholed with their gender identity.

The overall goal of the project is to promote inclusion and participation of all genders and sexualities in European grassroots sports. This requires an understanding of how athletes are still excluded from sport due to a prevailing binary gender norm. 

Together with relevant stakeholders from organized grassroots sports, SGS develops measures and methods (institutionalized dialogue, guidelines, awareness campaigns and inclusive trainings) to address these discriminations and break down barriers for transgender athletes, LGB persons and women.

All info about the project, partners etc. can be found here!