Vollkontakt: Monitoring Report 2022 - Extreme Right Actors and Combat Sports

Our partners of "Vollkontakt - Demokratie und Kampfsport" are dedicated to the social responsibility of martial arts.

Sport for all Genders and Sexualities - Acting for more diversity

The working group on gender & sexual diversity in sport met for the second time.

Football fans against homophobia - info meeting at the fairplay office, 7.6.23

The Football Fans Against Homophobia are participating at the Rainbow Parade in Vienna again this year.

Mini-Van Tour 2023, 28.5.-11.6.23

fairplay goes on tour as part of the Football Zajedno and Sport Together projects!

Human Rights and International Sporting Events – Possible Ways Forward?, 31.5.23

A public panel discussion of the project "Our Game for Human Rights" with the Permanent Representation of Austria to the EU in Brussels.

Rebels of Change and fairplay visited Donnerskirchen

On May 9th we started our SDG Tour in Burgenland together with the Sportunion Donnerskirchen.

We are now Mamanet trainers!

As part of the Less4more project, fairplay successfully participated in the Mamanet basic training.

Call for donations of SOS Balkanroute after SLAPP lawsuit

The International Centre for Migration Policy (ICMPD) of former ÖVP politician Michael Spindelegger sues the NGO SOS Balkan Route.

Nazis und Macker auf's Maul!? - Perspectives and challenges of martial arts, 18.5.23

Event at the Antifa Café. fairplay colleague Anna Traninger talks about right-wing extremism in Austrian gyms.

ballesterer #179 - HSV

The ballesterer follows the history of Hamburger Sport-Verein from its beginnings to its great successes and relegation in 2018.
