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Im Rahmen des MARS – Media Against Racism in Sport - Projekts, einem gemeinsam vom Council of Europe und der Europäischen Union durchgeführten Projekt zur Etablierung eins Mediennetzwerks für Diversität und interkulturellen Dialog, findet im September ein „National Media Encounter“ statt.

Ort und Termin

14.9.2011 – 17.9.2011
Raum der IG Kultur
Gumpendorferstraße 63b
1060 Wien

Die genauen Eckdaten, Ziele, Inhalte, Agenda zum Encounter nachstehend. Die Registrierungsformulare als Download finden sich am Ende der Seite.



  • To encourage, by organising a national media encounter, pairings of media professionals with a view to co-produce and co-disseminate high-quality and professional written or audiovisual media reports on sports’ issues, even if not exclusively, including non-discrimination and expression of diversity as an angle of approach of media coverage
  • To raise awareness among media professionals, via their own co-production and co-distribution ventures, of possible innovative modes of production of truly inclusive media contents that contribute to foster mutual understanding
  • To contribute to the development of local and national networks of media professionals for inclusive media coverage to enrich media contents while ensuring that everyone participates in public and democratic debates





Production and dissemination of media cross-reports on sport considered as a global issue, even if not exclusively, made by pairs of media professionals, including non discrimination and expression of diversity as an angle of approach of media coverage, focusing more particularly on how intercultural and inclusive media contents contribute to reduce prejudices, to fight against discrimination and to foster mutual understanding.

The media encounter will focus on professional practices. Participants will therefore be asked to produce, by pair or trio, a report offering different perspectives on the above-mentioned topics. The way the subjects are dealt with in these reports must reflect their local and national dimensions.

Based on concrete production activity, the encounter should give media professionals a better understanding of the benefits that everyone can derive from the formation of partnerships at local and national level between media professionals in order to contribute to intercultural dialogue, expression of diversity and non discrimination.

Finally, participants are asked to disseminate their report in their own media or a media of their choice and in the country in which the encounter is implemented.

As well as permitting comparison of professional practices, the purpose of the encounter is to enable public opinion to see and hear a different way of expressing the diversity that exists in today’s European societies.

In addition to the media professionals involved in this initiative, the programme will include a session open to the national press at which the reports and the conclusions of the encounter will be presented, in order to ensure coverage of the broad issues in relation to intercultural dialogue, expression of diversity and non discrimination.


Participant Profile

8 media professionals (10 from mainstream media / 10 from ethnic & diversity media / 10 from community media)

2 chief editors / facilitators for the Press, Radio, TV and Multimedia working groups

Council of Europe – Representatives of MARS Partner Organisations and Members of the MARS team



14 reports (3 print press, 3 radio, 2 television and 3 multimedia) co-produced by 14 pairs of journalists and therefore disseminated in 28 different media supports.


Expected Outcome

Enrichment of professional media practices due to a greater awareness of intercultural dialogue, expression of diversity and non discrimination based on the learning from different experiences.

Building bridges between various media such as mainstream media, ethnic & diversity media and community media.

Permanent dialogue and exchange between media professionals at local and national level to sustain the implementation of truly inclusive media content.



German + Whispering interpretation for non German speaking invitees



Reynald BLION

MARS Programme, Media & Diveristy Manager, Council of Europe

<link reynald.blion@coe.int>reynald.blion@coe.int</link>

Tel. + 33 3 90 21 53 69


Alexander VOJVODA

MARS Austrian National Contact, VFRÖ

<link alexander.vojvoda@fro.at>alexander.vojvoda@fro.at</link>

Te. + 43 650 377 50 50

