Local Contactpoints for Gender and Sexual Diversity

For Advise, Info, Exchange & Trainings on gender and sexual diversity in sport

Implementing gender diversity in everyday sport presents us with challenges for which we have to find solutions together. These can look very different and we obviously cannot change everything overnight. But we can address the issue openly and work together to see what can be done to break down barriers at various levels of sport. Change comes about by addressing an issue, and even small steps can make an important contribution.

If you would like advice or to share ideas, want to implement measures within your organisation and sport discipline towards more LGBTIQ+ inclusion, get in contact with us!

Find here your national Information and Contact Points in Austria, Germany, Italy, Spain and on a European Level:


Local Contact AUSTRIA

ORGANISATION: fairplay - Initiative for diversity and antidiscrimination at VIDC
NAME: Nikola Staritz
MAIL: staritz@vidc.org
WEB: www.fairplay.or.at


Local Contact GERMANY

ORGANISATION: Landessportbund Nordrhein-Westfalen
NAME: Dorota Sahle
MAIL: Dorota.sahle@lsb.nrw
TEL: +49 203 7381 847
WEB: www.lsb.nrw


Local Contact ITALY

ORGANISATION: Associazione Italiana Cultura i Sport (AICS)
NAME: Rosario Coco
MAIL: Rosario.coco@out-sport.eu
TEL.: +393476866649
WEB www.out-sport.eu


Local Contact SPAIN

ORGANISATION: Samarucs Valencia LGBTI+ Sport Club
NAME: Javier Gil Quintana
MAIL: javier.gil.quintana@gmail.com
TEL.:: 0034 652727226
WEB: www.samarucs.org


European Network Contact

ORGANISATION: European Gay and Lesbian Sport Federation (EGLSF)
NAME: Hugh Torrance
MAIL: hugh.torrance@eglsf.info
FON +447835119925
WEB: www.eglsf.info 
