Africa Cup 2022 - New scars and rays of hope
Follow-up report by Kurt Wachter on the 33rd Africa Cup in the current ballesterer #168.
ballesterer #168 - THE VILLAGE LEAGUE football in the 2000s
The new ballesterer issue is here and deals with the rise and fall of the village clubs.
fairplay at radio FM4 - "How contemporary are major sporting events?"
Discussion show "FM4 Auf Laut" on human rights and sustainability issues at the Olympics and the Football World Cup.
Interview about the Africa Cup - Sportradio Deutschland
Kurt Wachter gave a detailed interview about the Africa Cup to Sportradio Deutschland.
SOS Balkanroute: Collection Campaign in Vienna for Refugees in Bosnia/Serbia
We support SOS Balkanroute in collecting donations in kind and money on February 12, 2022 at the Vienna WUK.
The games must go on - Afrika Cup 2022
Our division manager Kurt Wachter reports for ballesterer and us from the Africa Cup in Cameroon.
LET THE GIRLS PLAY! - Handbook girls soccer
20 pages full of practical tips and tricks for more girls in your soccer club.
Ballesterer #167 - Brian Clough
The new ballesterer #167 is here and dedicated to the soccer personality Brian Clough.
VIDC Blickwechsel Podcast - Special! 25 years fairplay
Sybille Straubinger talks to our fairplay colleagues Kurt Wachter and Niki Staritz about the anniversary of our initiative.
Great success: Eurogames 2024 will take place in Vienna!
The European Gay & Lesbian Sport Federation chose the city of Vienna with the clubs SV Aufschlag and Kraulquappen as hosts for the Eurogames 2024.