Forró Tanzstunden in the park, 27.6. & 4.7.24

Free sports sessions as part of the Rebels of Change project.

Webinar: Sport for all! Ensuring everyone can enjoy outdoor-activities, 19. & 20.6.24

A free online webinar is being held as part of the Out4In project.

Club 2×11 book presentation "Bans, resistance, great successes – 100 years of women's football in Austria"

Review of the anecdotal fireworks at the Vienna Main Library at Club 2x11 on May 28.

Girls Football Festival 2024, 28.-30.6.24

Playing football together and breaking down prejudices - the Girls Football Festival in Vienna!

New fairplay factsheet - "Gender & sexual diversity in sport"

Together with the Verein Intergeschlechtlicher Menschen Österreichs (VIMÖ) and Skate Austria, we have developed a new factsheet as part of the SGS…

ballesterer #189 – EM 2024 Germany

The new 100-page ballesterer issue is all about the European Championships.

Fan Embassy Austria: Exhibition "Sports.Crowds.Power. Football under the Nazis", 20.-23.6.24

Reception & special tours for the Fan Embassy Austria during the UEFA Euro.

Fan Embassy Austria: Curves in motion, motion in the curves, 24.6.24

Discussion event as part of the UEFA Euro on the topic of self-organisation of fan scenes.

Free trainings for beginners as part of Less4more

Beachvolleyball, football or catch'n serve ball? Try it out now!

Game Changers – Using Sports for Human Rights and Inclusion

Official launch of the ‘Game Changers - Promoting human rights and equality through sport’ project in Bosnia.